Handmade Rugs

Every home merits a distinct touch of flair and comfort, according to Jaipur. To give your living area a distinctive and fashionable touch, choose from the amazing selection of transitional, oriental, and natural rugs in our rug collection. Our transitional rugs are the ideal option if you're searching for something a little more contemporary. These carpets inject a dash of flare into every space with their strong shapes and vibrant colours. They will also survive for years because they are composed of natural fibres.Our range of Oriental rugs is unmatched for a more traditional aesthetic. These rugs combine elegance and beauty with exquisite Indian patterns and traditional Persian themes. You can discover something to suit your needs, whether you're searching for a classic piece to finish off your living room or a more complex piece to brighten up the hallway.

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handcrafted rugs


Jaipur rugs

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