Floral & Tropical

Area rugs online and area carpets add texture to the space and comfort to your feet. Browse a huge range of rugs for sale and large area rugs at Jaipur Rugs UK. Choose the best luxury living room rugs, outdoor rugs, or jute rugs for your space and make your home look more inviting.

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floral and tropical rugs

Decorate Your Home with our Beautiful Designer Area Rugs

The next big thing in today’s generation is styling your home with area rugs. The best area rugs are available at the Jaipur Rugs UK online website. We are home to a myriad of stylish area carpets and area rugs on sale. For those of you that are looking to have your needs met by a reputable online e-commerce rug store, then you came to exactly the right location. At Jaipur Rugs United Kingdom, we offer our precious clients an array of options that can be filtered by size, price, material, color, pattern, designer, and so much more. While you are shopping on our site, you are guaranteed to find a plethora of rugs that meet your decorating themes.

Explore various styles of area carpets available at Jaipur Rugs UK


An example of popular area rugs with a modern appeal is grey rugs. Grey rugs are a great example of a contemporary color that bodes well with many neutral tones and urban-style housing options that commonly traverse our world today.


Oriental area rugs derive inspiration from ethnic heritages, Mesopotamian culture, ancient Babylonians, and a plethora of other common empires found in the Middle East and Asian regions. These cultures were the first to create rugs with symmetrical identities, washed colors, and thick fabric.


The other style of area rugs we offer at Jaipur Rugs UK is transitional rugs which as one can imagine, consist of modern and traditional combinations at once. It pairs vibrant and dull colors, symmetrical and asymmetrical concepts, and several avenues of personality that are bound to transpire your room.

Explore different shapes of Area rugs


Rectangle rugs are just as you learned in geometry class back in grade school, they consist of four sides with straight-edge corners, and unequal lengths and widths.


Irregular or odd-shaped rugs are quite the anomaly when it comes to area rugs in the UK. Irregular-shaped rugs consist of undefined borders, jagged edges, and odd endings which gives rise to its name.


Round rugs are a great example of an area rug because their oval or circular shape can act as a distinctive accent point in the middle of a room with decor surrounding it.


Runner rugs are typically hallway rugs because they have a short width and long length so that they can fit the profile of standard hallways.


Oval area rugs are quite similar to round rugs because they belong in the same family, relatively speaking. Oval rugs are circular in nature but have their edges smashed in. They can be thought of as a combination of a rectangle and a circle.


A square-shaped area rug consists of four sides that are equal. They are ideal accent pieces underneath a table or chair and perhaps layered with other carpets.



What is a good size area rug for the living room?

You must be wondering what a good size is for an area rug in the living room, and really there is no good answer to that because quite frankly it relies on the total space of your living room. Given that area rugs are natural focal points, it is recommended to choose a rug that lay at least 18 inches from each edge of the wall.

What size should an area rug be?

Theoretically, an area rug should be a size smaller than your room, this will prevent it from looking oversized at most. Though, if you are buying an outdoor rug, you may want to take the opposite advice and buy a bigger rug so that it does not get drowned by environmental surroundings.

What type of area rug is best over carpet?

Ideally, it is best to select area rugs with the same thickness or material as your carpet, this will help to ensure there is a matching concept developing underneath your feet. The beauty of choosing your own area rug is that it is ultimately up to your decision on what to put over the carpet.

What type of area rug is most durable?

The most durable area rug is a washable area rug because it is able to be cleaned so that its integrity is retained over time. Being able to clean a rug is critical for its everlasting sensibility.



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Jaipur rugs

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